Hi I’m Chrissy a licensed esthetician /a skin care specialist / lash Extensions instructor I received my esthetician education from Michigan school of beauty I am so passionate about my services eager to serve you !!! 💕i offer lash Extensions, semi permanent Brows, facials, body waxing ,and lash extensions courses !! Hope to see you soon😃Business Hours
- Monday
- Closed
- Tuesday
- 10 AM - 5:30 PM
- Wednesday
- 3 PM - 7 PM
- Thursday
- 10 AM - 5:30 PM
- Friday
- 10 AM - 5:30 PM
- Saturday
- 10 AM - 4 PM
- Sunday
- Closed
Cancellation Policy
There is a 50% cancellation fee for all appointments not canceled with in 24hours